3-5 February 2026
Business Design Centre, London

Asif Din

Asif Din

Director of Regenerative Design, Perkins and Will

Asif is an Architect with over 20 years' experience in delivering Zero Carbon designs notably BedZED and Jubilee Wharf in Cornwall, UK. He has contributed to reports for WGBC, NHS, UKGBC, NZCBS and is part of BS559/ CEN350 on circular economy in the built environment. Asif is on planning review panels for two London Boroughs and has been a competition juror for RIBA, Civic Trust, AJ, BIID and NLA.

Asif has always been interested in efficiency in Architecture and is reflected in his education firstly at Nottingham University with Robert and Brenda Vale and then at Oxford Brooks for his RIBA part II with Sue Roaf. He has a PhD in Life Cycle design of buildings at London Metropolitan University.

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